I realized its been a while since I posted about Bennet, sorry buddy! Well, he is doing sooooo much better in his big boy bed. It took about two weeks of utter hell, times where I was sure I was the worst mom in the world and that I was ruining him completely. I knew that things HAD to change for his sanity and mine so we stayed with the discipline and magically after two weeks of battle, he is sleeping in his big boy bed and going to sleep happily without screaming! That's right people, NO screaming at bedtime and it only took 9 months! Where's my 'best mother' in the world award?
Bennet has been taking swim lessons twice a week with Ella and their cousin Ben. Ella and Ben are doing awesome and should be ready for a fun summer. Bennet is more into dunking his head under and just waiting for the instructor to pick him up. Poor Miss Jessica, nothing like getting a 2 year old to listen to your shenanigans! She's awesome though and really is making some progress. The good thing, well...maybe it not so much a good thing, but he has NO fear of the water, he just jumps right on in!
Other than that, Bennet is doing great, he is a full fledged 2 year old, tantrums and all. We start the morning off saying, "mama, mama" and finish the day off the same way. I swear I hear "mama, mama" more than any other word. This morning even Jason had to tell him to find a new word!
Anyways, the Bredeson's have their court day today so keep them in your prayers. They live really close to us and are adopting a precious little boy, we cant wait to meet him! You can find out more here http://thebredesensandethiopia.blogspot.com/