We have been home as a family for 40 days!!!! Sometimes it feels like we've been a family of four forever and sometimes it feels brand new.
Our 'gotcha day' with Toufiq was a bit different than many Gladney families, the in country staff had people coming in that morning so Toufiq was hand delivered to us in our hotel room. He was soooo scared the first day. He didnt make a sound, sat ONLY on my lap, wouldnt look at Jason or my parents. He was so tired from the shock of leaving his caregivers, meeting us, being in a new environment that he fell asleep on our bed after about thirty minutes of meeting him. When we changed his diaper, clothes, etc he screamed. He was REALLY attached to his shoes that he got from the orphanage and freaked out when we took them off, all we can think is that sense they do not have much (toys, clothing) they are super attached to the items they have. I know I sound really mean taking his shoes and all but...we replaced them with really cool alligator crocs that he LOVED. After day one he remained extremely quite, he would wake me up in the morning just staring at me. He didnt cry, didnt talk, laugh, play, nothing. He just sat, and watched, taking everything in. Towards the middle of our trip he began to throw fits, hit, gave the dirtiest looks you've ever seen (seriously, if looks could kill), he seemed very angry. His physical development was behind as well. He was very uncoordinated, couldnt run, fell every few steps while walking, couldnt climb stairs. Then there was the issue with him and his daddy. Toufiq had NO time for Jason until about day 8 when he finally decided that he would at least look at him. Since we knew that I was going to have to leave Jason there with him due to our paperwork issues we were forced to try and bond them quicker than I would suggest. We tried leaving Jason alone with him in the room, he screamed the whole time! We tried having Jason do everything for him, feed him, change him, bath him. By about the tenth day the walls began to fall. He was starting to play, laugh, and smile. He was liking, not loving but at least tolerating his dad. The day I left them I was so concerned that it would take him back a few steps, I was worried he would feel like someone else was leaving him, it was hard. When Toufiq got home he went back into his shell for the first few days. He was tired, scared, sick of change, not sure about our animals, about his sister, the Potts, life in general was just really tuff for him. The first week I slept in Ella's bed next to his crib, he woke up waaaaayyyy too early and many times through out the night.
Now, 40 days home and Toufiq is doing so good. He is a completely different child. He and his sister are great buddies! He has grown an inch and a half and gained 3lbs. His coordination is so much better, he climbs like a billy goat. He runs and even jumps on the trampoline. He is starting to say tons of words, such as bird, Ella, Daddy, Mommy (he's had that one down!), and of course NO (love this one). He is trying to figure out what noises all the animals make but thinks they all say ROOOOAAAAR like a lion - even the horses! He is trying to parrot everything, a little sponge just soaking it all up. He is sleeping in his and Ella's room. He wakes up sometimes during the night but goes back to sleep in a few minutes. He does still cry at night when going to sleep, its been our biggest battle. He really hates going to bed at night. He is napping once a day and is doing that well. It is so nice to have him home and on a schedule. That was so difficult in Ethiopia, not having a plan or a schedule, kids really need that. He doesnt give the dirty looks near as often, only when really tired. He will offer up kisses and hugs anytime you ask, sometimes when you dont! He is really so so sweet. He is always concerned if Ella cries and is so gentle with her and our animals. I just cant say enough of what a difference a few weeks can make with love, routine, good food and tons of kisses and attention! WOW! He does need a lot of affirmation that he is a good boy. When he gets disciplined he really needs a lot of love afterwards to know that you still love and approve of him. He is also really obsessed with food and freaks out when you take it away or when its gone. I guess he doesnt think he will get it again, or maybe the boys just really loves to eat. I feel him!
On a different note, my sis and bro-in law are leaving tomorrow to get there girls from the Ukraine, it will be a long 5 weeks but so exciting! Also my dad is doing great, he is home and back to his old self again!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wednesday morning I got a call from my mother saying that she was headed to the hospital with my dad who was complaining that his back and jaw were hurting. Thirty minutes later she called saying that he was having a heart attach and that they were preparing to air flight him to a heart hospital in San Antonio. Luckily he is fine. He got a stint put in and is lucky not to have to have bypass surgery. Today he is feeling great and ready to play golf he says! What a scare this was. My dad is such an important part of this family, he does so much for all of us. I look out on this beautiful land that he has taken so much pride in and cant imagine him not being a part of it anymore. Now he has a new grandson and two new granddaughters coming home soon. God was really watching out for him. Thank you to all our friends that continue to poor out the love and support and prayers!!!
On a happier note, my sister and bro-in-law are leaving Tues. to go to the Ukraine for FIVE weeks to pick up their girls!! The girls do not know yet, they will surprise them when they arrive. Can you imagine their faces when they see they're Momma, and Poppa?!? I can't imagine not knowing the feeling of a family and cant imagine the feeling of getting one at the age of 9 and 12, wow!
On a happier note, my sister and bro-in-law are leaving Tues. to go to the Ukraine for FIVE weeks to pick up their girls!! The girls do not know yet, they will surprise them when they arrive. Can you imagine their faces when they see they're Momma, and Poppa?!? I can't imagine not knowing the feeling of a family and cant imagine the feeling of getting one at the age of 9 and 12, wow!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Baby!

Ella is such a blessing to us. She is such a bright, cheerful, funny little girl. She amazes me everyday with her humor, her kind heart, her 'adult like' vocab and how well she has slipped into her big sister role! I am so proud of her. I wish that time would stand still and she would stay 4 forever. I have never realized how important each day is until recently, what a blessing time is. So, happy birthday angel!

Thursday, September 18, 2008
A Wedding and a Hurricane

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
All is well
I know, I know I've turned into one of those terrible bloggers that never updates and really I have no excuse, I suck! Mr. Bennet is doing fabulous, he is really coming out of his shell! He loves, loves, loves his daddy. I knew he would. He does his sheepish grin when Jason gets home and has really gotten into the wrestling that goes on every evening between Jason and Ella. He does a belly flop on top of Ella with Ella on top of Jason. I'm not so much the wrestler, more the cheerleader type! He is trying to say a few words, not a lot but a few. He's got Momma down! Yesterday Ella started Ballet, he watched through the window and yelled ELLA ELLA ELLA over and over while pointing! He loves the animals, loves to talk about the animals, look at the animals, but not so much touch the animals. Our wiener dog is sure that he loves to be kissed on the face, he squeals and gives her dirty looks! Speaking of dirty looks...things are not all rainbows and lollipops around here. If wronged he can give some pretty mean, go to heck looks. He is really trying to figure out the concept of sleep. I dont think we've had both kids a sleep before 9 since we've been home, plus he likes to get an early start on the day which I am NOT a fan of! I am trying to adapt to having two and staying home with one full time. Before Bennet came home I had M,W,F to run errands, ride, do laundry, etc all without children so this is an adjustment. I continue to pray for patience and energy and the ability to stay sane and fun! We got back all Bennets blood work, poop checks, etc and all is good! He has become waaaay more active and is becoming more coordinated. I am really enjoying watching this little guy grow and learn. There are sooo many first that we get to experience with him, so many things that we get to teach that we take for grated. He loves to sing songs, is obsessed with dancing and has really good rhythm unlike the rest of us. He likes to play patty cake, sort shapes, swing, is pretty much content doing anything and everything!
This weekend we are going to Houston. One of my best friends, and roommate from college is getting married. I'm a bridesmaid and Ella is the flower girl. She is so excited she can barely stand it!
Also-I know your checking out that fabulous cuff that Bennet is sporting. It was made by Tara go here to get one... http://www.littlesilvestriboy.blogspot.com/ it looks so handsome on him, thanks Tara!
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