Tuesday, September 9, 2008

All is well

I know, I know I've turned into one of those terrible bloggers that never updates and really I have no excuse, I suck! Mr. Bennet is doing fabulous, he is really coming out of his shell! He loves, loves, loves his daddy. I knew he would. He does his sheepish grin when Jason gets home and has really gotten into the wrestling that goes on every evening between Jason and Ella. He does a belly flop on top of Ella with Ella on top of Jason. I'm not so much the wrestler, more the cheerleader type! He is trying to say a few words, not a lot but a few. He's got Momma down! Yesterday Ella started Ballet, he watched through the window and yelled ELLA ELLA ELLA over and over while pointing! He loves the animals, loves to talk about the animals, look at the animals, but not so much touch the animals. Our wiener dog is sure that he loves to be kissed on the face, he squeals and gives her dirty looks! Speaking of dirty looks...things are not all rainbows and lollipops around here. If wronged he can give some pretty mean, go to heck looks. He is really trying to figure out the concept of sleep. I dont think we've had both kids a sleep before 9 since we've been home, plus he likes to get an early start on the day which I am NOT a fan of! I am trying to adapt to having two and staying home with one full time. Before Bennet came home I had M,W,F to run errands, ride, do laundry, etc all without children so this is an adjustment. I continue to pray for patience and energy and the ability to stay sane and fun! We got back all Bennets blood work, poop checks, etc and all is good! He has become waaaay more active and is becoming more coordinated. I am really enjoying watching this little guy grow and learn. There are sooo many first that we get to experience with him, so many things that we get to teach that we take for grated. He loves to sing songs, is obsessed with dancing and has really good rhythm unlike the rest of us. He likes to play patty cake, sort shapes, swing, is pretty much content doing anything and everything!

This weekend we are going to Houston. One of my best friends, and roommate from college is getting married. I'm a bridesmaid and Ella is the flower girl. She is so excited she can barely stand it!

Also-I know your checking out that fabulous cuff that Bennet is sporting. It was made by Tara go here to get one... http://www.littlesilvestriboy.blogspot.com/ it looks so handsome on him, thanks Tara!

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Heather said...

What a cutie pie! It is wonderful to hear about all the firsts you are experiencing!

I have been meaning to email you to ask if you have photos from your trip to Ethiopia? My little girl was in the Gladney Foster Care center then... I would LOVE to see if you happen to have photos of her. Please email me privately... henie@earthlink.net


The Soucys said...

I suck too. I want to blog, I want to read blogs, and look at all the cuties out there, Bennet being one of them, of course! He looks so happy! Glad to hear you're all doing well!

~Laura~ said...

He's precious & I absolutely LOVE his cuff.