Saturday, February 28, 2009

Beauty Shop

So this evening out of no where me and Jason decided it was time for Bennet to get a hair cut. He has gorgeous hair but it has gotten a bit out of control, and he wont let me touch it sooooo we decided it was time for a 'trim'.

Here he is before I got my hands on him. Poor guy, all happy, non assuming, totally trusting his mommy!

Here he is after I got my hands on him. Its kind of hard to see but this is Bennet looking like Mr. T with a rockin Mohawk. At this point I realized I had absolutely NO business doing this to him and we needed to send him to an emergency Barber Shop. I of course was too embarrassed of what I had done to his beautiful locks so I sent him with his father and said it was only fitting for his daddy to take him to his first hair cut. When Jason got to the Barber Shop they were closed, he proceeded to bang on the door and then beg for them to take pity on him. After seeing what his white daddy did to his beautiful African hair they let them in. One lollie pop later and Bennet's a new boy...


Stephanee&Zach said...

Jason and Bennet looked very disturbed in that picture. Wow I'm so glad that they let them into the barber shop. I bet those barbers had LOTS of fun with that one after they left!
I think he looks super handsome with his buzz!

jeri said...

ash, i guess beauty school definitely wasnt in your calling. good thing jason got him into the barber!!!!!!!!!! he looks adorable bald or with hair but the mohawk---no no. love mommie

Laura and Brad said...

he is such a cute little kid. And you are a halarious storyteller! I do need to talk hair with you cause I am clueless too!

Amber said...

I am not sure if we have talked before but I don;t think so.

Your family is gorgeous! I love how you tell your story/post.

Bennet looks good with either hair, so handsome!

Side note, I love HORSES! I do not have the time to own one but I love riding and I find that not many places let you ride them anymore unless you own them.

We live in Rockwall, are you anywhere near us?


Farmboy and Buttercup said...

OH, I think he looks absolutely adorable.

Great job