The sun is out, and the temp is only in the 80's. You know what that means...fall is almost here! I can't wait. Fall is by far my favorite time of year. I love the colors, the crisp air, the PUMPKINS!
After months of nothingness, I have a ton to blog about. First I must to compile my thoughts or its all going to come out as one big blog mess. Coming up on the topic list...'Jason's back from his Hunting Trip: Did he, or Didn't he, shoot an Elk?', 'House Construction: Part 1', 'My very own Black Beauty Story: Sparkle Eyes Returns'. I know, I know, I'm sure you are all on the edge of your seats, and I promise to post more soon!
I know the answer...but no telling here :)
come on, come on...i can't stand it!!!
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