Sometimes a mother just gets sentimental about their kiddos and this evening was one of them. Ella and me spent the evening doing Valentine stuff for her party tomorrow and I am just amazed at how quickly she is growing up. Amazed at how lucky I am to be her mother, to get to share her life with her. So here are some things I love about my little Ella Dora (just to name a few):
1. I love how when I put her to bed, nap or at night, she must have exactly three kisses from me.
2. I love that she makes sure to tell me that they need to be the 'normal' kisses not 'fish' lip kisses.
3. I love how well she has adjusted to being a big sister. She has never missed a beat. Never did she go through a phase of wanting to send him back or acting out. '
4. I love how she takes life in stride like that. I will say she got that from me, that part of me has always served me good, and I love seeing it in her.
5. I love her lion colored eyes. They are the same as her daddy's.
6. I love her skinny little body, no hips, no curves. She also got that from me, I hated it growing up but have come to appreciate it greatly.
7. I love when she comes in to our bedroom in the morning and cuddles in. Her feet are always freezing, and she's always ready to chat!
8. I love how much she loves Annabelle, she calls her Princess Annabelle, and insists to all others that she REALLY is her sister. (annabelle is our weiner dog)
9. I love when she really in to something, she says its 'supper dooper cool'. she always adds that 'dooper' to it!
10. I love that even at 4 years old she has a best friend. He always loyal, always there to play, she loves her cousin Ben. They are two peas in a pod.
11. I love when she asks me if she has a twinkle in her eye and then goes through everyone else to see if they have a twinkle in their eyes.
12. I love her beautiful blonde hair that has this big side part that always falls perfectly over her face.
13. I love love love being her mommy, what a gift it is.
So there you have it. I love my little girl, what can I say!