- Finish the last little bit of paperwork for Gladney
- Finish putting together our paperwork part of the dossier
- Finger prints
- Get our CIS letter
- Have all that notarized
- Send it all to KBS for Authen.
- Then the dossier will be sent to Ethiopia
- What we've all been waiting for...the referral
Something else that will hold things up a little...Ethiopia has a rainy season. It literally rains everyday for about two months. Image the living situations now, and then add major rains, wow. So if we don't (which I seriously doubt we will) have our dossier turned in by July 1st to Ethiopia then we can still get our referral however we cant travel until October. I am soo ready to see our baby's picture however I also cant imagine seeing her or him and not being able to just jump on a plane and go. So I suppose the goal is to get everything turned in and ready so that when the rain stops we'll be on our way! All in perfect timing I guess...