In with the NEW!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go and check out the new blog! The time has come that I must leave this blog and move on to the next. It has been a great run with 'just another day...' but I needed something that will work better with my photography so I'm saying adios!
Please don't forget me, I'm still here just somewhere else. That makes sense, right? So go now, right now
Friday, October 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Construction: Part 1 'Am I in Hell?"
Well, construction is in full swing. We have poured the slab and are starting on the walls. If I could describe our life right now in one word I think I'd use 'crazy', well...maybe I'd use 'dirty'. I tried to prepare for this, and I was doing good until the rain came. Oh, the rain. RAIN + DIRT + CONSTRUCTION + 2 DOGS + 2 KIDS = MUD, LOTS AND LOTS OF MUD. I really do think God is getting a real kick out of this, we always said that once we began building Texas's prayers for rain would be answered! I know, I know, we need the rain, I know, I'm trying to put my big girl panties on! Here is a look into our life since construction has taken over...

But the kids are taking lemons and making lemonade!

But the kids are taking lemons and making lemonade!

Friday, September 18, 2009
My very own Black Beauty Story: Sparkle Eyes Returns
The summer of my freshman year in high-school my mom and me headed to Ft. Worth to "watch" the Paint World horse show and just kinda "check out" the World Paint Auction. The auction is where they sell about 100 qualified Paint horses from all around the US. The day before the auction each hose is taken into the arena and given about 15 minutes to show off for potential buyers. One horse caught our eye, she was a sorrel paint mare, very elegant, long legs, green broke but showed sooo much potential. Well, just "watching" and just "checking out", quickly change to bidding. Within a matter of minutes my mom was bravely flashing her paddle in a bidding war. As the price kept rising my mom looked at me and said "this is it, this is my last bid, if its meant to be we'll get her". So I guess it was meant to be, my mom and I were the proud owners of a four year old Paint mare, name Sparkle Eyes.
I trained and showed Sparkle for 3 1/2 years. We did everything from western pleasure to jumping. My mom and I hauled her all over the state of Texas, and California. We had so many amazing moments. She taught me so much about training a young horse, because of her I was introduced to tons of people in the horse industry that helped me along in my journey. And, I cannot tell you how many days and nights she brought me and my mom together. She gave me and my mom memories together that we will cherish for a life time.
The summer after I graduated high-school I showed Sparkle at the APHA World horse show and won third. What an amazing accomplishment it was to have taken a horse from a youngster all the way up to placing in the top ten at World. Unfortunately that summer would be my last year to show. I was going off to school and Sparkle was too nice of a horse to just keep in the pasture. We made the decision to sell her which at that time was our first horse to ever have to sell. After the show we left Sparkle for the last time with our trainer to be sold. I remember sobbing in the aisle way at the barn as we left her and my mom saying "we dont have to do this, we can take her home".
After she was sold we kept up with her for several years. While at college I drove an hour and a half once a week to go and ride her with her new owner. Unfortunately she was not a great match at her new home and was sold. A few years later we lost track of her.
Several months ago my mom and I got to talking and wondered where Sparkle was and if she was ok. We tracked down her new owner and sent them a letter, but it was returned. My mom however is a genius and looked them up on none other than facebook. Low and behold they still had her. They're story was similar to ours...they're daughter who rode her was going to school and no longer had time for her.
This past sunday, after TEN years, Sparkle Eyes has returned home to us! At 15 years old she is still as elegant as she was at 4. We had our first ride yesterday, it is like she never left.

me and sparkle, 10 years ago.

me and sparkle, the day she came home for good.
I trained and showed Sparkle for 3 1/2 years. We did everything from western pleasure to jumping. My mom and I hauled her all over the state of Texas, and California. We had so many amazing moments. She taught me so much about training a young horse, because of her I was introduced to tons of people in the horse industry that helped me along in my journey. And, I cannot tell you how many days and nights she brought me and my mom together. She gave me and my mom memories together that we will cherish for a life time.
The summer after I graduated high-school I showed Sparkle at the APHA World horse show and won third. What an amazing accomplishment it was to have taken a horse from a youngster all the way up to placing in the top ten at World. Unfortunately that summer would be my last year to show. I was going off to school and Sparkle was too nice of a horse to just keep in the pasture. We made the decision to sell her which at that time was our first horse to ever have to sell. After the show we left Sparkle for the last time with our trainer to be sold. I remember sobbing in the aisle way at the barn as we left her and my mom saying "we dont have to do this, we can take her home".
After she was sold we kept up with her for several years. While at college I drove an hour and a half once a week to go and ride her with her new owner. Unfortunately she was not a great match at her new home and was sold. A few years later we lost track of her.
Several months ago my mom and I got to talking and wondered where Sparkle was and if she was ok. We tracked down her new owner and sent them a letter, but it was returned. My mom however is a genius and looked them up on none other than facebook. Low and behold they still had her. They're story was similar to ours...they're daughter who rode her was going to school and no longer had time for her.
This past sunday, after TEN years, Sparkle Eyes has returned home to us! At 15 years old she is still as elegant as she was at 4. We had our first ride yesterday, it is like she never left.

me and sparkle, 10 years ago.

me and sparkle, the day she came home for good.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Did He or Didn't He
Okay without further a due, the answer you've all been waiting for...YES, he conquered the wild, Jason Roberts shot himself an Elk!
After sleeping in a tent in 28 degree weather, hiking in 10,000 elevation (good thing he did not come down with altitude sickness), and tracking this bad boy down in over 3 million acres, he got an Elk.
And here he is...

We are calling him Edgar. Have you ever seen the movie Hanging Up with Meg Ryan, Lisa Kudrow, and Diane Keaton? Do you remember how they're dad has a bullet statue that John Wayne had given him and he was always saying, "come on girls, lets go sit with the bullet". Well, now instead of saying lets go sit with the bullet, we will be saying "come of kids, lets go sit with Edgar". Thats right, Edgar's rack, horns, antlers, whatever you call them, are coming home to live with us. I am SO excited. Dont worry I will let you all know when I find a place for Edgar. One will not be over the mantel.
After sleeping in a tent in 28 degree weather, hiking in 10,000 elevation (good thing he did not come down with altitude sickness), and tracking this bad boy down in over 3 million acres, he got an Elk.
And here he is...
We are calling him Edgar. Have you ever seen the movie Hanging Up with Meg Ryan, Lisa Kudrow, and Diane Keaton? Do you remember how they're dad has a bullet statue that John Wayne had given him and he was always saying, "come on girls, lets go sit with the bullet". Well, now instead of saying lets go sit with the bullet, we will be saying "come of kids, lets go sit with Edgar". Thats right, Edgar's rack, horns, antlers, whatever you call them, are coming home to live with us. I am SO excited. Dont worry I will let you all know when I find a place for Edgar. One will not be over the mantel.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Its beginning to feel a lot like FALL!

The sun is out, and the temp is only in the 80's. You know what that means...fall is almost here! I can't wait. Fall is by far my favorite time of year. I love the colors, the crisp air, the PUMPKINS!
After months of nothingness, I have a ton to blog about. First I must to compile my thoughts or its all going to come out as one big blog mess. Coming up on the topic list...'Jason's back from his Hunting Trip: Did he, or Didn't he, shoot an Elk?', 'House Construction: Part 1', 'My very own Black Beauty Story: Sparkle Eyes Returns'. I know, I know, I'm sure you are all on the edge of your seats, and I promise to post more soon!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Her name says it all...
Sweet sweet baby Joy. I had so much fun photographing this little doll. Just a few days, she was so sweet and tiny, well not so tiny for a newborn...she weighted 9lbs at birth! Joy really was such a joy to meet. Her cute little hands, sweet curly body, and oh the adorable baby feet! I dont think she could be any sweeter. Thank you so much Alison for letting me photography your newest addition.

More of sweet baby Joy

More of sweet baby Joy
Saturday, August 29, 2009
HE will hold the rest
I think anyone that God has given a heart for adotion will understand where I am coming from in the post. We have all been here before, we have all felt this intense feeling of not being able to do enough. When I came home from Ethiopia, and almost everyday since I have thought of all those faces that were left behind, all those children without medical, without fresh water and food. The children like Bennet that have small medical needs that just cant be met. I feel waves of anger, waves of great saddness, waves of feeling such questioning and doubt. Earlier this week I recieved information of Bennet's birthmother, attached was a picture of her with her beautiful 9 month old baby girl, Bennet's half sister. In the email it said that she was in a great economical problem, only earning .5 cents american money a day. Her baby often gets sick with colds and she cannot provide her with medical care. Today I drove 15 miles down the road, waited an hour and got antibiotics for Ella's ear ache. It leaves me feeling so unworthy, I was complaining today about how long it was taking to get the perscription. This week a large group of orphans being hosted by families in our area, were put back on a plane to go back to Ukraine. Many of these children are unable for different reasons to have forever homes. many of them will grow up in the orphanges and then fall into prostitution, drugs, alcohol. As I look at Bennet and even though I celebrate his life with us and his future, I am so sadened by all the rest. The numbers are just unending it seems. Then today I came home and was reading a blog that often inspires me and I found some rest in what she wrote:
"I am sad and I am angry. Between no sleep and a million doctors appointments (imagine that in Uganda you wait even LONGER in the hospital than you do in the US...) and Bible club on Thursday and Saturday program tomorrow and trying to raise 13 children and spend enough time with each of them, maybe you will right my saddess and anger of as the rantings of an exhausted mother and maybe they are, but this is my blog and I am going to say what I feel like. I am MAD. I have been sad and broken for these children for so long and it has finally turned into a hardened anger. I am angry that this culture so lies to women that Michael's stepmother believes that she does not have to care for this child who is not biologically hers, though she has ample means to. I am angry that in the "Pearl of Africa" and the most fertile region of it at that, a mother has litteraly NO food to feed her baby, not to mention herself or 6 other kids. I am angry that the result of this is that these sweet ones suffer in their innocence. I have said it before and it still holds true: I DO NOT BELIEVE that the God of the universe created too many children in His image and not enough love or food or care to go around. In fact I believe that He created the Body of Christ for just that, to help these little ones, the least of these. And I believe that except for a handful, the Body of Christ is failing. And its not just me who thinks this. When I'm angry, I like to research so that I can at least feel a bit justified in my rage ;) According to several differnt resources, there are an average of 147 million orphaned children in the world today (this statistic includes children who have lost only one parent as well), 11 million children starve to death each year or die from preventable, treatable illness. 8.5 million children work as child slaves, prostitutes, or in other horrific conditions (making things like that cute baby Gap dress Jane wore today...) 2.3 million children world wide are living with HIV.
That is 168.8 million needy children like Michael and Patricia. Seems like a big number, huh? It shouldn't, because there are 2.1 BILLION people on this earth who profess to be Christians. Jesus followers. Servants. Gospel live-ers. And id only 8 percent of those Christians would care for just ONE of these needy children, they would all be taken care of.
And now I'm just sad again. And I want to take care of all 169 million. But as I look into Patricia's eyes, that since just 48 hours ago have turned bright and smiley, as I smell her hair freshly washed with baby shampoo and snuggle her into her new footie pajamas (side note: is their ANYTHING cuter than a baby in soft cotton footie pajamas?!) God tells me that this one is enough. That He will hold the others while they wait for someone to come along and hold them tight and give them their milk and their medicine. That He doesn't ask me to take them all but to stop for the ONE because that one is Jesus, His son. Stop for the little boy with white haid and scabs covering his body, stop for the baby with feces covering her dress, so weak she can't hold up her hear. Stop and take the ones right in front of me any trust Him with the rest. He whispers that it will be ok and that I can smile because tonight 2 less children are hungry and that is good for today.
My anger is gone and I am just a mom who is tired and going to make another bottle and tuck her children into bed and love them the best that I can, as we as a family love the ones God has entrusted us with. Tomorrow I will brainstorm and pray and come up with the best way to take Michael and Patricia back to their homes, possibly find their parents jobs, or supply them with food and medicine. Tomorrow I will remember that they were never mine to begin with, that they are HIS and He will go with them where I cannot. But tonight I will just be. I will just sit with my Father in my sadness and brokeness and anger and ask Him why His innocent children must suffer and beg Him to move people to action and let Him hold me as I hold the baby He has blessed me with for today."
For the Full Story
So today I will try and trust that God is holding the rest until more people are moved to action. And I will celebrate in Bennet's life and be honored that God has given him to me.
"I am sad and I am angry. Between no sleep and a million doctors appointments (imagine that in Uganda you wait even LONGER in the hospital than you do in the US...) and Bible club on Thursday and Saturday program tomorrow and trying to raise 13 children and spend enough time with each of them, maybe you will right my saddess and anger of as the rantings of an exhausted mother and maybe they are, but this is my blog and I am going to say what I feel like. I am MAD. I have been sad and broken for these children for so long and it has finally turned into a hardened anger. I am angry that this culture so lies to women that Michael's stepmother believes that she does not have to care for this child who is not biologically hers, though she has ample means to. I am angry that in the "Pearl of Africa" and the most fertile region of it at that, a mother has litteraly NO food to feed her baby, not to mention herself or 6 other kids. I am angry that the result of this is that these sweet ones suffer in their innocence. I have said it before and it still holds true: I DO NOT BELIEVE that the God of the universe created too many children in His image and not enough love or food or care to go around. In fact I believe that He created the Body of Christ for just that, to help these little ones, the least of these. And I believe that except for a handful, the Body of Christ is failing. And its not just me who thinks this. When I'm angry, I like to research so that I can at least feel a bit justified in my rage ;) According to several differnt resources, there are an average of 147 million orphaned children in the world today (this statistic includes children who have lost only one parent as well), 11 million children starve to death each year or die from preventable, treatable illness. 8.5 million children work as child slaves, prostitutes, or in other horrific conditions (making things like that cute baby Gap dress Jane wore today...) 2.3 million children world wide are living with HIV.
That is 168.8 million needy children like Michael and Patricia. Seems like a big number, huh? It shouldn't, because there are 2.1 BILLION people on this earth who profess to be Christians. Jesus followers. Servants. Gospel live-ers. And id only 8 percent of those Christians would care for just ONE of these needy children, they would all be taken care of.
And now I'm just sad again. And I want to take care of all 169 million. But as I look into Patricia's eyes, that since just 48 hours ago have turned bright and smiley, as I smell her hair freshly washed with baby shampoo and snuggle her into her new footie pajamas (side note: is their ANYTHING cuter than a baby in soft cotton footie pajamas?!) God tells me that this one is enough. That He will hold the others while they wait for someone to come along and hold them tight and give them their milk and their medicine. That He doesn't ask me to take them all but to stop for the ONE because that one is Jesus, His son. Stop for the little boy with white haid and scabs covering his body, stop for the baby with feces covering her dress, so weak she can't hold up her hear. Stop and take the ones right in front of me any trust Him with the rest. He whispers that it will be ok and that I can smile because tonight 2 less children are hungry and that is good for today.
My anger is gone and I am just a mom who is tired and going to make another bottle and tuck her children into bed and love them the best that I can, as we as a family love the ones God has entrusted us with. Tomorrow I will brainstorm and pray and come up with the best way to take Michael and Patricia back to their homes, possibly find their parents jobs, or supply them with food and medicine. Tomorrow I will remember that they were never mine to begin with, that they are HIS and He will go with them where I cannot. But tonight I will just be. I will just sit with my Father in my sadness and brokeness and anger and ask Him why His innocent children must suffer and beg Him to move people to action and let Him hold me as I hold the baby He has blessed me with for today."
For the Full Story
So today I will try and trust that God is holding the rest until more people are moved to action. And I will celebrate in Bennet's life and be honored that God has given him to me.
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